Family physicians needed for study exploring post-cancer treatment across Interior Health region

As the number of cancer survivors continues to grow, family physicians are being increasingly relied upon to provide follow-up care to cancer survivors in primary-care settings.

Led by Co-Principal Investigators Dr. Christine Voss, CCDPM and Dr. Siavash Atrchian, BC Cancer – Kelowna, an interdisciplinary team of researchers, oncologists, family physicians, and Southern Medical Program students is exploring ways to optimize the integration of family physicians in post-cancer treatment across the BC Interior.

The primary goals of the study are to:

(1) identify barriers that family physicians in the Interior Health (IH) region face in providing post-cancer care.

(2) formulate solutions to address these barriers.

As a first step in the multi-phase study, family physicians in the IH region who provide post-treatment cancer care are invited to participate in a 15-20 minute interview via Zoom or telephone to share their experiences. All information will be kept completely confidential.

To learn more or participate in the study, please contact study lead and Southern Medical Program student Brian Hayes at